
How we operate

We solve complex problems for ambitious companies. Now, you might wonder how, exactly, we tackle these challenges. Time to meet our magic formula

phase 1. we get personal

Clients come to we are because of a certain technical headache. That’s why our process starts with listening to your problem. We thoroughly unpack your needs, look at every aspect and think about which services we can provide. No technical challenge is too difficult.

phase 2. we make a project proposal

Next up is the project proposal. This document, which we draw up together with you, defines what the project entails and gives a clear overview of our methodology, estimated timeline and pricing. Don’t worry, the fact that you don’t see any fixed fees is completely normal. We prefer to work with hourly rates. The reason is simple: we don’t want you to overpay.

What you will see, however, is a ballpark budget. This estimation gives you an indication of the lowest and highest possible rate. It will give you a better idea of the total project cost.

phase 3. we develop your product

In this phase, we develop the solution to your problem. To ensure the highest quality, we broke down development into 3 stages. After each stage, we keep you up-to-date through clear deliverables and detailed presentations. As a result, we keep miscommunication to a minimum.


To deliver a future-proof product, we start with a few intensive workshops in which we outline your problem in detail. Thereafter we first conduct extensive research and take a look at the newest developments in tech. What are the functional requirements of your solution? Which types of technological solutions suit your case best? Which ones are the most sustainable?

Once we get a clear overview, we offer a future scoping workshop in which we take a look at the sustainability of the product. We anticipate future plans from your organization and possible (technical, economical or societal) changes. This way, we all save time further down the road.


The next step in development is the design of your product. We provide wireframes, UI and UX designs, prototypes and technical architecture.


In this stage, our professionals implement your product. During regular standups, you can offer feedback on our progress, which allows for quick adaptations if needed.

phase 4. we offer training

Switching to new software can get tricky. Especially if you only get the product, without any other explanation. You would be surprised how often that happens. That’s why we're offering training for your in-house specialists.

During multiple thorough sessions, we educate them on how to maintain the product on their own. We guide them through our documentation and applied principles. Your experts get the chance to ask questions about technical decisions and architecture. It makes changing or adopting systems as easy as pie (and just as satisfying).

phase 5. you can get started

After training, your experts are ready to manage the software on their own. You got yourself a sustainable workflow! In the long term, this will save you time and money. But when requested, we can continue to provide technical support as well. The choice is entirely up to you. We are just happy to help!

Ready to get technical? Get in touch.