we are hiring

we've been looking for you!

  • work on many different projects and variation
  • an environment that encourages you to grow
  • a lot of responsibilities with a 'mistakes are valuable learnings' mindset
  • epic afterworks and pancake-fridays
  • mario kart and pingpong breaks

Software engineer

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Software engineer intern

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Marketing intern

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“The truly supportive environment allows me to grow and learn every day. Additionally, the atmosphere within the team is really important to me, and it's absolutely great.”

software engineer Timon, portrait photo
software developer @ we are
How we hire

Intern or full-time employee application? Doesn't matter. Everyone at we are is equally important. That's why this approach is for both.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for?

Let's have a chat anyway! Contact us via hi@we-are.be.

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