
Newsletter February

February is ending, and so is the inspiration for writing good introductions. So let’s dive straight into it, because we’ve got a lot of exciting news to share.This month: ask questions to your company data like ‘how did we solve problem X last time’, the new AI model we’ve all been waiting for and interesting tech and we are news.

Stuff we've liked

  • No more boring WhatsApp messages. From now on, you can spice up your messages with italic text, bold text, grocery lists, bullet points, and even code!
  • Uber Eats partners with Mitsubishi Electric and introduces self-driving food delivery robots in Japan. They drive on the sidewalk to deliver your hamburger right to your doorstep. Americans are also experimenting with delivery robots, but they aren't exactly traffic heroes yet.
  • A survey reveals that more than half of Gen Z believes ChatGPT provides better career advice than their boss. Are you, as a boss, feeling kinda bad about it? Here’s the full article.
  • Elon Musk predicts that there will be 1 billion humanoid robots on Earth by 2040. He believes that his Optimus project, those human-like robots, will be more significant than his cars. However, he admits that many adjustments still need to be made before reaching their full potential.
  • Hold your horses, there would be a fast new open-source code editor in town. It’s called Zed. It’s a very fast, high-performing code editor.

Interesting read: Sora. An AI model that generates video's based on your text

A few months back, we were really hyped about the new versions of DallE and MidJourney. These text-to-image tools often do a great job in amazing us about the potential of AI. But now, it’s safe to say we’ve entered a new level. You might've already heard the buzz. Yep, we're talking about Sora!

image source:

Sora is OpenAI’s new AI model that can create videos from text. It would be able to create realistic and imaginative scenes based on your instructions. The best thing? It’s super user-friendly, just like DallE and chatGPT.

The model can generate videos up to a minute with high-quality visuals. It can create videos in different styles, going from hyper-realistic to fantasy to anime. Sora does a great job in generating complex scenes with even multiple characters and background details. You want it even cooler? The model can generate multiple shots within the same video, generating the same characters and visual style.

Of course, there are still some limitations and weaknesses. As it is a new learning model, it needs time to fully adapt and learn. But as much as we would miss you if you left this newsletter, it’s definitely worth it to take a look at a few examples.

Tech gossip of the month

“You can have a chat with your company data”.

People who attended the last webinar will already have heard Manu talking about it. Apparently, Notion also attended that webinar. Last week, Notion launched a new AI feature: a Q&A chat where you can ask all sorts of questions about literally any data you can find on your Notion. For those who are not familiar with Notion; it's a note-taking application which many companies (including we are) use as a knowledge base for their employees, projects…

Now, with Notion AI, you can ask literally anything about your internal documents. We did the test, and dang... Quite useful! You can ask things such as: "When did we decide on being present at the VTK job fair and who is responsible for this?", "Have we ever solved problem X already and how did we do it back then?" or "What were the latest decisions we've made about X?"…

We’ve experimented with the feature and must admit: it does a really good job answering. Only imagine having such a feature, not only on your Notion documents but on all your (unstructured) data?

It’s still in its testing phase, but it’s a great way to see the potential. So having a chat with your company data? It’s closer than you think.

What happened at we are this month?

What happened at we are this month in numbers?
  • The we are team is being strengthened by 3 new team members for the upcoming weeks. Welcome Fatih, Jill, and Jochen!
  • The opening weekend of the new office takes place on April 21st and 22nd. Mark it in your calendar, it's going to be epic.
  • At the end of April, we will be hosting a hackathon for charity! More info and an exact date will follow later, but one thing's for sure: there will be plenty of food, drinks, and prizes!
  • Too many rounds of Mario Kart have been played last month. But Timon remains the reigning champion and still holds the number 1 spot.
  • 2 banners have been delivered for the upcoming job fairs. They look sexy.

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