
Sustainable software development: it’s possible! 🌱

The power of sustainable software: going green in the digital world

In our ever-changing digital world, a significant move toward sustainability is happening right now. It's time to tap into the potential of sustainable software development. This isn't just about meeting user needs and quality benchmarks; it's also about reducing our impact on the environment, society, and the economy. We call this approach ‘green’ software engineering, and it's not merely a passing trend; it's a crucial response to our planet's need for a harmonious coexistence with technology. It's a paradigm shift that combines cutting-edge innovation with environmental consciousness.

What is sustainable software engineering?

Sustainable software engineering is the practice of designing and managing software solutions that minimize their environmental, social, and economic impacts, all while meeting user requirements and upholding quality standards.

Best practices for tech companies

In an era where every line of code counts, we’ll give you a small guide to start building sustainable software.

1. Serverless hosting

Computer processes that are running 24/7 are a no-go. With serverless hosting (for which you still need a server, no we did not come up with that name) your application ‘sleeps’ when it’s not in use. It also means that the server resources are available for others too- when you’re not using them. This then leads to better use of the server and distribution of resources, making it consume less.

2. Choose a sustainable programming language

The amount of energy that software consumes depends largely on the programming language and framework that is used. Choosing the language and framework that uses less energy behind the scenes, can make a lot of impact.

3. Think before you build

It seems so obvious, but it’s often forgotten that this will not only contribute to quality and durability but also sustainability. Maybe you’ll realise that there are less complex and energy-consuming ways to solve the problem. Even a subtle change in how your software works can have a large impact.

4. Apply agile and lean methods

Agile and lean methods make sure that the delivered software meets the client's and users’ expectations to the maximum. This has significant benefits for sustainable development, as it avoids over-engineering and rework. Using this method will not only optimize your software performance but there will also be a cost reduction. And that while taking care of the planet!

Want to know more about sustainability in software development? Let's get in touch or have a chat with Chato, who can tell you everything about sustainable software!